By Khecari (other events)

78 Dates Through Oct 15, 2022

Presenting the first iterations of two new Khecari works:: 

Tend by Julia Rae Antonick
as though your body were right by Jonathan Meyer

These pieces are conceived as a performance diptych and are able to be experienced independently or as a double feature. 


Tend is a service-based performance experience fulfilling a socially requisite and biologically exigent allogrooming need combined with self-care informed movement distractions focused to organize the nervous system, resolve conflicts, and contemplate power differentials all in the motile architecture of a reflective, airy, enveloping, and luminescent convalescence banquette. Colliding necessity, extravagance, and irrelevance, it imagines a world where your monthly dance appointment is a legitimate need, a necessary line item in your personal budget. A haptic, phatic, and kinetic service providing a much-needed place to rest, recharge, reflect, reconcile. An environment supporting small talk, catching up, grooming bodies and relationships in turn. In short, come ready to chat, be touched/touch, and experience movement.

+ For Tend, audience members select an hour long appointment for which to attend the performance. Thursday and Saturday appointments are available between 1pm - 6pm. We also encourage booking multiple Tend appointments if you are able after you have had your first appointment.

+  All touch that will happen during the appointment will be checked in on upon arrival and will go through a process of informed consent. If at any time during the service there is less touch wanted, you are welcome to communicate this verbally or by draping a specified blanket over yourself during the show. If you are desiring to come experience the show from the position of someone not being touched, please be in touch with us to arrange this type of attendance.

+ Tend performances take place at the Nature Play Center at Indian Boundary Park (2500 W. Lunt).

+ To see who the technician for each appointment is, select a date + time in the TICKETS tab, and click MORE INFO under the ticket type title.

+ If you would like to learn more about the technician with which you've scheduled your Tend appointment: click here

+ For a full lists of the artists who have contributed to this project please click here.

+ To read more about our ticketing prices and structure, click here and scroll down to Ticketing Philosophy.




as though your body were right is an invitation to confront the bodiliness of being human. It is a shared experience of the vulnerability of being a body, and of the power of being a body. It is a peeling back of one aspect of being human, the social skin that guards and protects all that is contained therein; the child, the infant, the animal, the organic mass, the incomprehensibly vast community of cells. It is a query to the wisdom of the cells, to offer some gleam of how to be one among many in a system that is vaster, more powerful, and more merciless that we can comprehend.

Performances of as though take place Thursday - Sunday evenings, 7pm - 8:30pm at Make Do (2210 W. Morse, in the garage). If you are interested in attending this performance as well, please fill out the audience application for as though your body were right.

Audiences may attend one or both pieces. Both works intend to significantly challenge the audience and simultaneously practice radical care for each attendee, inviting people into a safer space to delve into inherently uncomfortable but rewarding material. As is customary with most Khecari performances, all prospective attendees will need to fill out an audience application to ensure open communication and informed consent for the work they intend to experience. 


* We welcome all people with disabilities to our events. If you require a specific access service to fully participate or have any questions about accessibility, contact Cristina Tadeo at [email protected]. Please be in touch as soon as you know you would like to join us so we can make sure we have the accommodations ready for you on the day you will attend. All requests are needed 10 days before your booked service.

** Notes about currrent access environment for Tend: The Indian Boundary Nature Play Center fieldhouse has an accessible, all gender single stall bathroom that also includes a step stool for the sink. There are no scents present in the space except for the disinfectant smell of the use of sanitizing wipes between clients on surfaces. One technician speaks both Mandarin Chinese and English, the other two speak English. Children are welcome to come to the appointment with an additional caregiver to experience the work from a seating bank nearby. If you need to bring dependant children without a caregiver coming in addition to you, please be in touch with us so we can arrange the support you need. All other access services available upon request.


Photo by Ian Vecchiotti, pictured Ali Lorenz and Enid Smith.