The Retreat

By Khecari (other events)

2 Dates Through Nov 20, 2016

A performance get-away -
Clear your calendar -
Check your phone at the door -
You choose the length of your stay:
            visit for an evening length show -
                   stay for a long-form performance -
                          tuck in for an overnight experience  ----

The Retreat is a stopover towards TEEM, a long-term project being developed over the next year including sleepovers and takeovers, do-overs and makeovers, body possessing mind and art as disturbance ecology.

In this world, art infests public space, overtaking our epidemic of the busy, beckoning the audience to retreat: with spacious sweeps of time counterpointing a density of intricately interwoven stimuli, inviting reflection and engagement, daydreaming and fascination. The cumulative substrate of textures, sights and sounds forms a refuge from distractions, into which the startling burst of foreign creatures presents micro-dramas operating with lucid and inexplicable logic.

The Retreat features three overlapping viewing experiences: the ticket-buyer can choose a traditional evening-length performance, a long-form experience extending until midnight, or an overnight format offering performance viewing, dinner, hypnagogic movement workshops for the audience, sleeping nests, and a culminating post-coffee performance.


Full price tickets are $270; this reflects the cost, per seat, of creating this performance. Discounted seats are $90, $30 and $10; these are subsidized by grants and individual donations. 

The $270 Full Price Ticket equals the total costs of the show divided by the total number of tickets. In addition to production costs like set design materials, this reflects 12 artists working for a total of 1800 person hours at minimum wage. We pay all collaborators performing and constructing this show equally, including the artistic directors.

We want you to choose the ticket price that feels appropriate for you without feeling guilt. There are no questions asked and no judgements given. We value all of our audience members and are committed to raising the money to keep our performances financially accessible, while also educating about the true costs of live performance, and advocating for fair pay to artists.

If you are interested in a work-trade barter for your ticket, we also offer that as a payment option. For more information on any of this ticket structure, please contact [email protected]. We love to discuss art and money and how to make it all work for both the performers and the viewers.